Your donation makes Casa Gallina's programs possible

Donación Única

Unique Donation

Fill out a simple form and pay directly with your debit or credit card. Your donation is easy and safe thanks to PayPal and Conekta.


  • Boletín cuatrimestral digital
  • Mención en la página web
One-Time Donation

Monthly donation

Fill out a simple form and pay directly with your debit or credit card. Your donation is easy and safe thanks to PayPal and Conekta.


  • Annual calendar
  • Four-monthly digital newsletter
  • Mention on website
One-Time Donation

Personalized donation

If you prefer to make a bank transfer or deposit, leave your details and we will be happy to contact you.


  • Four-monthly digital newsletter
  • Mention on website

Tax-deductible donations in the United States through Myriad USA

All donations over MXN $50,000.00 receive: access to an annual experience and an annual calendar

If you have questions or would like more information, contact us at or call 5526302601 and we will gladly assist you.

What is your donation used for?

The Casa Gallina programs favor the construction of local networks, providing access to tools for sustainable change, social participation and resilience.

Casa Gallina permanently develops activities and creative processes on sustainability and ecology, which involve:

  • Production of educational materials
  • Training programs and educational implementation manuals for teachers
  • Workshops
  • Artistic interventions in public schools
  • Art projects
  • Exhibitions
  • Community Engagement Visual Projects